02/14/02--Scare Bob has gone missing. Main page has been changed.
Nothing Much else at this time. Big change in the future, though. So, watch out!
12/21/01--Long time, no goat. I added a little something to the T-Bone page.
11/09/01--Added one bitchin' pic to the Weird Stuff page. I also rearranged the page a little to make room for the new pic.
11/09/01--Added 3 new Neil pics that can be accessed from The Neil Page. Big thanks to Mr. Fahrenheit for the pics.
11/09/01--A few changes have been made to the Bomber Bros. page. Check it, yo.
11/06/01--SPANKING NEW PAGE! I have added a Bomber Bros. page. Check it out biatch.
11/06/01--Schizzel my nizzel, y'all. I added one pic to the Weird Stuff page.
11/04/01--Added a pic of Neil playing guitar to The Neil Page.
11/02/01--NEW PAGE ALERT! Check out the Weird Stuff page.
11/02/01--Added 1 pic to the T-Bone page.
11/02/01--Added a great pic to La Goat page. (Hint: Click the Scary Goat)
11/02/01--Added 2 pics to the Morris page.
11/02/01--Added 1 pic of Neil. It can be accessed from The Neil Page. (Hint: Never give Neil markers.)
10/06/01--Two pics added to the T-Bone page.
10/06/01--Added two pics that are accessible from The Neil Page.
10/06/01--If you see the Lemonhead guy anywhere, click him and see what happens.
09/29/01--Added a counter to the main page. The first number that showed up just happened to be 64!!!
09/29/01--Added a "Stunner" page and 4 "Stunner" pics.
09/28/01--This page is new.
09/28/01--Added 2 pics to La Goat page.
09/28/01--Added 2 pics to Mel-Mel page.
09/28/01--Added 1 pic to Morris page.
I am always trying to make this site better so
if anyone has any suggestions, comments, or
e-mail me at tacogoat@hotmail.com.
Let me know if any pictures are taking an
long time to load or if any sound clip
files are not working correctly.
Thank You
Long live The Goat